Harwich Connexions Enterprise Centre

Parkeston Enterprise Centre Harwich Connexions Community Trust acquired the Enterprise Centre in 2007 from Essex County Council, and is managed by Harwich Connexions Transport Co-operative. The Centre is housed in the former infants block of Parkeston Primary School in Tyler Street, Parkeston, offers 11 managed work spaces for small local businesses. The monthly rent for each unit covers all costs the rent is inclusive of heating, light, refuse collection, etc. except for IT and telephone line - you will need to register with the local district authority to qualify for the small business rates reduction. The centre has category B1 planning permission, prospective clients will need to satisfy us that their business would be covered under this category which includes business offices and light industry. Call 01255 552010 for availability and more details.
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Enterprise Centre
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Harwich Connexions

ENTERPRISE CENTRE Harwich Connexions Community Trust acquired the Enterprise Centre in 2007 from Essex County Council, and is managed by Harwich Connexions Transport Co-operative. The Centre is housed in the former infants block of Parkeston Primary School in Tyler Street, Parkeston, offers 11 managed work spaces for small local businesses. The monthly rent for each unit covers all costs the rent is inclusive of heating, light, refuse collection, etc.except for IT and telephone line - you will need to register with the local district authority to qualify for the small business rates reduction. The centre has category B1 planning permission, prospective clients will need to satisfy us that their business would be covered under this category which includes business offices and light industry. Call 01255 552010 for availability and more details.