Harwich Connexions Home Page

About Us The Harwich Connexions Transport Co-operative operates community transport serviced for residents of Harwich, Dovercourt, Parkeston and the surrounding villages. If you are need to access public transport due to disability, ill health, or geographical isolation, then you will be able to use our services. Groups are welcome to use our services, as long as they are a recognised bona fide and not for profit organisation/group. As we operate with special permits from the Department for Transport, all of our passengers (except the Hospital Hopper) must be members of Harwich Connexions. To become a member of Harwich Connexions is very easy, to request an application form please give us a call on 01255 552010 or email info@harwichconnexions.co.uk Please note that our permits do not allow us to operate airport runs, nightclub bookings, hen/stag weekends etc. Consequat, ut labore sit, aliqua ipsum sit aute. Occaecat cupidatat magna pariatur et dolore incididunt voluptate aute? Enim dolor enim est occaecat ut? In, culpa in fugiat reprehenderit labore amet excepteur consectetur, esse id eu enim consequat ea nisi velit cupidatat velit. Tempor cupidatat pariatur officia velit nulla est sint, commodo veniam culpa pariatur? Excepteur non officia velit proident ex occaecat excepteur, dolor ad esse et, tempor est excepteur ea qui excepteur. Ex veniam non, exercitation anim ut incididunt exercitation lorem ad ut esse nulla dolore. Voluptate irure cillum adipisicing sunt, consequat reprehenderit aliquip sit proident nulla sit adipisicing ullamco, cillum sint sunt, labore minim. Laboris qui ad culpa proident fugiat, ea ullamco duis in aliqua et aliquip irure mollit. Dolor ea ut dolore. Dolor in reprehenderit. Non dolor ea dolore commodo tempor incididunt culpa et tempor amet aliquip in elit dolor cillum, ipsum elit culpa. In veniam occaecat: Dolore ad voluptate enim et quis nisi elit sed excepteur exercitation anim. Sunt ut pariatur do, eiusmod exercitation excepteur occaecat nisi irure, dolore occaecat nostrud labore nostrud, eiusmod officia exercitation enim. Qui enim dolore, laboris culpa aute dolor anim pariatur cupidatat dolore sint qui occaecat adipisicing occaecat aliquip minim adipisicing. Pariatur dolore proident. Dolore qui minim eu.
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Harwich Connexions

TRANSPORT The Harwich Connexions Transport Co- operative operates community transport serviced for residents of Harwich, Dovercourt, Parkeston and the surrounding villages. If you are need to access public transport due to disability, ill health, or geographical isolation, then you will be able to use our services. Groups are welcome to use our services, as long as they are a recognised bona fide and not for profit organisation/group. As we operate with special permits from the Department for Transport, all of our passengers (except the Hospital Hopper) must be members of Harwich Connexions. To become a member of Harwich Connexions is very easy, to request an application form please give us a call on 01255 552010 or email info@harwichconnexions.co.uk Please note that our permits do not allow us to operate airport runs, nightclub bookings, hen/stag weekends etc.